Christians need to stop trying to convert people.
Okay I am not saying stop preaching, or telling people about Christ; in fact I want more of that.
We need to realize that we are not called to convert the world but simply tell the world.
Conversion makes it seem like we have a hand in it when it is all God's doing.
We may be used by God to help bring someone to him, but we cannot make someone believe through tracts, threats, proof, or arguments of any kind.
What we can do is show God to people, give them a choice, an alternative.
Relief sin, sorrow, death and pain, and suffering.
We can give them hope, love, and care.
We are called to minister to a broken world; not to fix it.
Jesus is the one who does the fixing we just guide people to him.
And we do that through our actions.
Not through our words.
We need to show love not hate.
If God can love the world so much that he can send Jesus to die for us then the least we can do is show a little bit of love to the world as well.