Well I haven't been here in awhile. Mostly because I have been so busy, but also because I just haven't felt the desire to come and write. Or at least when I did not on here. I have journaled quite a bit more then usual, mostly I think because I enjoy the pen and paper more. Yes I am a snob I know it, and I am somewhat proud of it. Mainly I think I am writing because I have started returning to a familiar place. With the onset of Autumn, which by the way sounds so much better then Fall, I have started to began my retreat inwards, my introverted journey inside myself. I am become vastly more self reflective and have been looking for an outlet. As I have been doing I normally would just write in my journal but after reading my old posts I have decided to put them up here along with a new quote that I feel perfectly describes how I feel.
I am writing this journal as though you might read it.
I have this desire for you to read this,
because it's those things that I mean to say, and never do.
It's who I feel I really am, but never show.
I just feel like maybe someone somewhere out there will be able to gain some sort of insight from my random ramblings. Here's to a new start and hopefully one that continues for longer than my last foray into this blog